Become the DISRUPTOR

Social media marketing meeting

Our Story

A business born from workplace frustration. After years of working in creative and digital marketing agencies we knew the social problem needed to be solved.

Many businesses completely underestimate their true potential on social media. Many businesses are scared to stand out, even if it would help their business.

To many agencies simply add social media to there services to tack it onto your bill. You need to take the time to understand your social potential, and realise you can create a content engine to drive leads in the long term.

This is why we started Shogun. We I want to completely change business owners view on social media, and show them it’s an extremely powerful conversion tool when used correctly.

The Declaration To Be Different

In each and every one of our contracts we have carved out an unofficial section. This is our declaration to be different clause. Completely not legally binding, but to us here at Shogun it’s so important. This is where our clients make that promise to themselves to be the best they can be, and truly reach their peak. 

James Gayle

Founder & Shogun

Esther Yekini

Digital Ads Ninja

Aimee Gayle

Junior Social Samurai

Want to meet us? Let's grab coffee